Revue internationale de psychologie scolaire et cognitive

Revue internationale de psychologie scolaire et cognitive
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ISSN: 2469-9837

Programmes de remédiation cognitive pour les enfants : qu'est-ce qui fonctionne et pourquoi ?

Lettre à la rédaction

Identifying the Disconnect: Examining the Role of Connectedness in Cognitive Remediation for Children

McBride Y and Frates EP*

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article de recherche

Conflicts, Conflict Resolution Practices and Impacts of the War in South Sudan

Belay Tefera K*

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article de recherche

Four Personal Achievement Goals and Self-Reported Cheating Behavior

Apostolou M*

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article de recherche

Malawi Educators Assessment of Student Mental Health Outcomes

Kutcher S*, Gilberds H, Morgan C, Udedi M and Perkins K

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article de recherche

Why is It so Hard to Solve Long Divisions for 10-Year-Old Children?

Camos V* and Baumer J

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Rapport de cas

Adrenoleukodystrophy with Frontal Lobe Involvement and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-like Symptoms

Yamashita Y*, Ngagamitsu S, Abe T, Murakami Y and Matsuishi T

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Mini examen

Integrated Behavioral Health Medical Management

Manohar V* and Fantozzi N

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Communication courtoise

The Red Pencil: Empowering People with Arts Therapy

Deplace A*

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Mini examen

Cognitive Dysfunction in Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Short Review

Öncü J and Kerem A

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article de recherche

Relationship between Academic Resilience and Academic Achievement among Secondary School Students in Kiambu County, Kenya

Mwangi CN , Okatcha FM, Kinai TK and Ireri AM

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