Journal de pharmacie appliquée

Journal de pharmacie appliquée
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ISSN: 1920-4159

Volume 8, Problème 2 (2016)

article de recherche

Utilization Assessment of Surgical Antibiotic Prophylaxis at Ayder Referral Hospital, Northern Ethiopia

Said Aden Mohamoud, Teshager Aklilu Yesuf and Eskinder Ayalew Sisay

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article de recherche

Nanopeptides: Non - Covalent Interactions in Chemistry and Biological Functions

Chinnasamy Selvakkumar, Karthikeyan Muthusamy and Sathish Kumar Chinnasamy

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article de recherche

Two Novel Curcumin Analogues Induced Reactive Oxygen Species Generation and Mitochondrial-Related Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer MCF - 7 Cells

Shuyue Luo, Qingyong Li, Jian Chen and Wengchao Wang

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Article de révision

Gallic Acid: A Promising Lead Molecule for Drug Development

Naira Nayeem, Asdaq SMB, Heba Salem and Said AHEl-Alfqy

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