Mathematica Eterna

Mathematica Eterna
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ISSN: 1314-3344

Volume 2, Problème 3 (2012)

article de recherche

Two types of traveling wave solutions of a KdV-like advection-dispersion equation

Xinghua Fan and Jiuli Yin

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article de recherche

Ruin Probability with Investment Returns and Dependent Structures

Fenglong Guo and Dingcheng Wang

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article de recherche

On the Closed Systems in Banach Spaces

T.M.Ahmedov and T.I. Najafov

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article de recherche

Almost Asymptotically Statistical Equivalent of Double Difference Sequences of Fuzzy Numbers

Kuldip Raj and Sunil K. Sharma

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article de recherche

Characterization of ternary semigroups in terms of (∈, ∈ ∨qk) ideals

Anwar Zeb, Gul Zaman, Inayat Ali Shah and Asghar Khan ,

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Length spectra and systole for a set of closed hyperbolic surface in genus 2

Emmanuel Philippe

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Bipolar Valued Fuzzy Sets in Γ-Semigroups

Samit Kumar Majumder

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Characteristic Ideals and Fuzzy Characteristic Ideals of Γ-Semigroups

Sujit Kumar Sardar, Bijan Davvaz, Samit Kumar Majumder and Manasi Mandal

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An identity from the Al-Salam-Carlitz polynomials

Mingjin Wang

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article de recherche

Subordination Results on Certain Subclasses of Analytic Functions Involving Generalized Differential and Integral Operators

H. Ozlem G ¨ UNEY, F. M¨uge SAKAR and Sultan AYTAS¸

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