Revue internationale de psychologie scolaire et cognitive

Revue internationale de psychologie scolaire et cognitive
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ISSN: 2469-9837

Volume 2, Problème 3 (2015)

Lettre à la rédaction

The Red Pencil activities

Deplace A

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Communication courtoise

Building and Maintaining an Alliance with a Child Patient

Lubit R

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Communication courtoise

The Five Step Collaboration Cycle: A Tool for the Doctors Office

Frates EP

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article de recherche

Examining the Impact of Daily Physical Education on Perceptual Speed among Underserved Elementary and Middle School Youth

Reed JA, Kilpatrick E, Malafronte N and King S

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article de recherche

Addressing Emotional Difficulties of Primary School Children with the Use of a Primary Intervention Program

Agoritsa P, Chryssafidou E and Maria Z

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article de recherche

Les croyances des enseignants taïwanais du préscolaire et du primaire sur la discipline, les élèves et les pratiques pédagogiques

Wanless SB, Scharphorn L, Chiu YJI, Chen FM and Chen JL

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