Journal de pharmacie appliquée

Journal de pharmacie appliquée
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ISSN: 1920-4159

Volume 9, Problème 3 (2017)

article de recherche

Effectiveness of Topical Steroid Therapy for Prevention of Regorafenib associated Hand-foot Skin Reaction

Ishikawa H, Hamauchi S, Tanaka R, Shino M and Yamazaki K

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article de recherche

Study of Antibiotics Prescribing Pattern in Paediatric Patients of Thamar Province, in Republic of Yemen

Al-Ghazali MAA, Alakhali KM and Alawdi SM

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article de recherche

Study of the Intestinal Absorption Characteristics of Curcumin In Vivo and In Vitro

Xue M, Cheng Y, Xu L and Zhang L

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