Progrès de la recherche pédiatrique

Progrès de la recherche pédiatrique
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ISSN: 2385-4529

Volume 10, Problème 1 (2023)

article de recherche

A Cross-Sectional Study to Compare Differences on Clinical and Laboratory Findings in Children with Seropositive and Seronegative Lupus

Sharafi Monir*, Salehi Shima, Hossieni Shamsabadi Rozita, Otukesh Hassan, Shairi Reza

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article de recherche

Prevalence and Associated Factors with Unintended Pregnancy among Pregnant Women: Attending Antenatal Care Follow up in Mizan Aman General Hospital, Bench Maji Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Kaleab Tesfaye Tegegne, Tadele Kassahun Wudu, Sewunet Enyew, Yideg Abinew, Jemberu Chane

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Mother Choices on Eating, Impact More on Development of Kid

Timo Yingying

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