Journal des troubles thyroïdiens et de la thérapie

Journal des troubles thyroïdiens et de la thérapie
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ISSN: 2167-7948

Volume 1, Problème 3 (2012)

article de recherche

Thyroid Carcinoma (Tc) in Nodular Goitre

Nikhil Nanjappa BA, Alok Mohanty, Tirou Arou T, Robinson Smile S and Dhananjay Kotasthane

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Rapport de cas

Pulmonary Hemorrhage and Renal Involvement in Benzylthiouracil- Induced Vasculitis

Hayet Kaaroud, Karima Boubaker, Karima Khiari, H?di ben Maiz and Adel Kheder

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Rapport de cas

Hyperthyroidism in Down’s Syndrome - A Report of Two Cases

Uma Kaimal Saikia and Bipul Kumar Choudhury

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Rapport de cas

Familial Non Medullary Thyroid Cancer: Clinic Cases and Review of literature

R. Ciuni, C. Spataro, S. Nicosia, A. Biondi, F. Basile and S. Ciuni

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