Journal d'ergonomie

Journal d'ergonomie
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ISSN: 2165-7556

Volume 4, Problème 2 (2014)

article de recherche

Effect of Knee Supports on Knee Joint Position Sense after Uphill and Downhill Walking. A Test Using a Hiking Simulation Method

Bottoni G, Heinrich D, Kofler P, Hasler M and Nachbauer W

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article de recherche

Subjective and Objective Evaluation of the Air Conditioning Sound

Wagner V, Enigk H, Beitz T and Kallus KW

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article de recherche

Effects of Visual Stimuli upon Thermal Sense under Air Conditioning in Summer

Kurazumi Y, Fukagawa K, Kondo E and Sakoi T

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article de recherche

Conditions and Consequences of Involvement of Farm-women in Agriculture and Off-farm Activities in Mountain Region of Uttarakhand

Pratibha Joshi, Nirmal Chandra and Renu Jethi

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