Journal de pharmacie appliquée

Journal de pharmacie appliquée
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ISSN: 1920-4159

Volume 9, Problème 2 (2017)

Article de révision

Perceptions and Satisfaction of Pharmacy Staff towards the Orientation Program at the Specialized Hospitals in Qatar: A Cross-Sectional Study

Al Zaidan M, Al Siyabi K, Ibrahim MI, Saad A, Rustom F and Abukhadijah H

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article de recherche

Cosmeceutical Consumption Behaviour amongst Males in Indian Market Analysis of Determinants and Influencing Factors

Abdullah Bin Junaid and Reshma Nasreen

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article de recherche

Evaluation of Novel Polymer in the Development of Floating In situ Gelling System

Ghare JL and Mundada AS

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article de recherche

Effect of Alcoholic Beverages on Drug Absorption: Blood Concentration Profile of Ibuprofen in Mice

Koji Komori, Masataka Fukuda, Tomohiro Matsuura, Shota Yamada, Shinobu Mitamura, Reiko Konishi, Maho Kikuta, Masahiro Takada, Makoto Shuto and Yumiko Hane

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Article de révision

Penetration Enhancement Techniques

Shikha Baghel Chauhan

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