Gynécologie & Obstétrique

Gynécologie & Obstétrique
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ISSN: 2161-0932

Volume 6, Problème 4 (2016)

article de recherche

28 Years of Using Hysterectomy Guidelines to Determine the Feasibility of Vaginal Hysterectomy

S Robert Kovac, Stephen H Cruikshank, Abhishek Patwari and Pat O’Meara

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article de recherche

Female Urethral Diverticulum: Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcome

Marcelo Di Gregorio, Francis Lorge and Michaël Dupont

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article de recherche

Undiagnosed Adnexal Masses: Can be Managed by Laparoscopy Assisted Colpotomy?

Hend S Saleh, Azza A abd El Hameid , Hala E Mowafy and Walid A Abdelsalam

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article de recherche

Prevalence of Cultural Malpractice and Associated Factors among Women Attending MCH Clinic at Debretabor Governmental Health Institutions South Gondar, Amhara Region, North West Ethiopia, 2015

Kahsay Zenebe, Haymanot Alem, Alemu Merga, Gebiyaw Abate, Hayat Taha, Mesfin Melese, Moges Sisay and Tigist Fikre

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Laparoscopic Repair of Ureteral Injury in Gynaecologic Surgery

Clarissa Maria de Albuquerque Pontes, Rogerson T de Andrade, Mauro Aguiar, Márcia Silva de Oliveira, Cassandra da Cunha Farias Paulino de Morais, Lívia Carneiro Nascimento, Agostinho de Sousa Machado Júnior and Helena Juliana Nagy

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Rapport de cas

Interest of the Pelvic Packing in Post-partum Haemorrhage Refractory to Hysterectomy

Fatnassi R, Ben ltaifa A, Mansouri W, Ragmoun H, Saidi W and Barhoumi MH

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Mini examen

Taekwondo and Myoinositol Supplementation on Regularization of Menstrual Cycle in Adolescent Athletes: One Year Follow up Observational Study

Alberto Corticelli, Maura Grimaldi, Giorgio Piastra, Valeria Trifiletti, Rosaria Falivene, Sabrina Bosi, Pietro Fugazza, Gianluca Roberi, Alessandro Castagnino and Massimiliano Saltarini

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article de recherche

Quality of Life after Menopause in Pakistani Women

Khadija Waheed, Amna Khanum, Sara Ejaz, Ambreen Butt, Fawad Ahmad Randhawa

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