Système orthopédique et musculaire : recherche actuelle

Système orthopédique et musculaire : recherche actuelle
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ISSN: 2161-0533

Volume 12, Problème 2 (2023)

Communication courtoise

Orthopedic Rehabilitation from Musculoskeletal Injuries

Huang Tsai

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Injuries and Disorders of the Lower Extremities

Umile Franciotta

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Anterior Cruciate Ligament: Anatomy, Injury Patterns, and Treatment Options

Byron Crewdson

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Hip Injuries and Conditions: Understanding the Ball-and-Socket Joint

James Dash

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Article d'opinion

Prevention of Traumatic Fractures: Tips for Reducing the Risk of Injury

Hua Zainab

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Article d'opinion

Types of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Children

Mohammed Cenk

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Article d'opinion

Elbow Arthroplasty: A Safe and Effective Treatment for Severe Joint Damage

Ching-Yu Zhang

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Myositis: An Overview and its Impact on Quality of Life

Jian Maria

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Types of Lupus: Causes, Symptoms and Therapy

Diana Hussien

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Arthritis: Coping Strategies and Treatment Options

Lara Beyer

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article de recherche

Focal Venous Malformations and Risk of Muscle Involvement in Children

Jie Zhou, Lei Guo*, Liang Wang, Jing Li, Zhuang Liu, Jiali Sun

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