Journal de psychologie et psychothérapie

Journal de psychologie et psychothérapie
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ISSN: 2161-0487

Volume 4, Problème 6 (2014)

article de recherche

Adaptation and Validation of the Standardized Assessment of Personality – Abbreviated Scale as a Self-Administered Screening Test (SA-SAPAS)

Gaëtan Merlhiot, Laurie Mondillon, Nicolas Vermeulen, Anamitra Basu and Martial Mermillod

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article de recherche

Correlation of Anthropometric Parameters with Different Neuro Cognitive Style Barriers among Health Care Students-A Preliminary Study

Rajajeya kumar M, Gnanavelraja C, Elandevan CK, Jasni Angel, Janitha A, Rajendren P, Sureshbalaji RA, Rajesh Kumar A and Baby Kumari B

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Rapport d'enquête

The Interpersonal Psychotherapy of Harry Stack Sullivan: Remembering the Legacy

John H. Morgan

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article de recherche

Date Rape: Prevalence and Attitudes among Portuguese University Students

Henrique Pereira and Mariana Ornelas Graca

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