Journal de la leucémie

Journal de la leucémie
Libre accès

ISSN: 2329-6917

Volume 5, Problème 1 (2017)

Rapport de cas

PET/MR in Relapsed Multiple Myeloma

Zoltan Toth, Gabor Lukacs, Peter Rajnics, Gabor Bajzik, Miklos Egyed, Arpad Kovacs and Imre Repa

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article de recherche

Aberrant DNA Methylation in P1 Promoter Region of Tp53 Gene in Acute Leukemia

Yong-Jiang Zheng, Fang Guo, Yong Zou and Wu Jun

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article de recherche

HES-1 and CEBPA mRNA in Chronic and Late Phase (accelerated and blast crisis) of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) Patients

Selvi Rahmawati, Sri Fatmawati, Stefanus Purwanto, Eugeu Yasmin, Susan Simanjaya, Susanna H Hutajulu and Dewi K Paramita

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Mini examen

Natural Compounds: Molecular Weapons against Leukemia’s

Simona Taverna and Chiara Corrado

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