Journal d'ergonomie

Journal d'ergonomie
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ISSN: 2165-7556

Volume 6, Problème 6 (2016)

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Psycho Physiological and Subjective Responses to Mental Workload Levels during N-Back Task

Majid Fallahi, Rashid Heidarimoghadam, Majid Motamedzade and Maryam farhadian

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article de recherche

Quantifying Muscle Fatigue of the Low Back during Repetitive Load Lifting Using Lyapunov Analysis

Elias Spyropoulos, Anastasia Kyvelidou, Nikolas Stergiou and George Athanassiou

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In-Water Performance of Infant Lifejackets: Freeboard Height and Self-Righting Time: A Failure!

Conor V MacDonald, Christopher J Brooks and John W Kozey

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