Journal d'ergonomie

Journal d'ergonomie
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ISSN: 2165-7556

Volume 4, Problème 1 (2014)

article de recherche

Convective Heat Transfer Coefficients of the Human Body under Forced Convection from Ceiling

Yoshihito Kurazumi, Lauris Rezgals and Arsen Krikor Melikov

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article de recherche

Behavioral Thermoregulation Model for Evaluation of Outdoor Thermal Environment

Yoshihito Kurazumi, Tomonori Sakoi, Tadahiro Tsuchikawa, Kenta Fukagawa, Zhecho Dimitrov Bolashikov and Tetsumi Horikoshi

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article de recherche

Effects of Motion Sickness on Encoding and Retrieval Performance and on Psychophysiological Responses

Anna Sjörs, Joakim Dahlman, Torbjörn Ledin, Björn Gerdle and Torbjörn Falkmer

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