Journal de toxicologie clinique

Journal de toxicologie clinique
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ISSN: 2161-0495

Volume 9, Problème 3 (2019)

article de recherche

Prevalence of Ingestion Poisoning in Patients Who are Admitted in Rims Hospital

Bindu Madhuri, Allu Harikrishna, Sravanthi M and Pravalika P

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article de recherche

Antidiabetic Activity of Newly Formulated Oral Polyherbal Tablets in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats

Brijyog, Ashish Sarkar, Sushil Kumar and Shweta Verma

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Rapport de cas

Food-induced Hypotension and Bradycardia: A Case Report

Mark Richman, Timothy Tong, Rachel Moss, Akiva Dym, Michael Connolly and Adam Berman

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Rapport de cas

Intoxication by Massive Ingestion of Poppers: A Case Report

Alexandre Behouche, Claire Chapuis, Pierre Albaladejo and Michel Durand

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