Journal of Geography  & Natural Disasters

Journal of Geography  & Natural Disasters
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ISSN: 2167-0587

Environnement : mondialisation et urbanisation

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Process Recovery of Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnets from Hard Disc Drives

Nour-Eddine Menad, Alain Seron, Nicolat Maât, Jean-Marie Le Breton and Nachbaur Virginie

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An Assessment of the Influence of Earthquake Duration in Inducing Landslides

Dyson N Moses and Necdet Türk

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Hazard and Risk Assessment in Electricity Sector: A Case of Swaziland Electricity Company

Constance Sthembile Van Zuydam, Moja S and Mphephu F

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Landscape Patterns of Burn Severity in the Soberanes Fire of 2016

Christopher Potter

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Impact of Industrial Activities on Land Surface Temperature Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques - A Case Study in Jubail, Saudi Arabia

Abdelnasser Rashash Ali and El-Shirbeny Mohammed

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Assessing the Accuracy of Tornado Watches across the Contiguous United States from 2007-2015

Gutter BF and Brown ME

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