Virologie & Mycologie

Virologie & Mycologie
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ISSN: 2161-0517

Volume 4, Problème 1 (2015)

Rapport de cas

Fusariosis: Five Cases in Immunodepressed Patients

Tiago Silveira Lima, Beatriz Ribeiro dos Reis, Mariana Marteleto Godinho, Tyiomi Akiti, Celso Tavares Sodré and Marcia Ramos-e-Silva

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article de recherche

A Simple, Cost Effective and Rapid Air Borne Mold-Monitoring Model Developed in St. Kitts for Ensuring Global Public Health Safety and Food Security

Elise Landa, Harish C Gugnani, Atandra Burman, Kristen Duman, Zachary Ciochetto, Harleen Saini, Irshad Prasla, James Bassford, Torib Uchel, Samuel Park, Alyssa Mahon, Nalliene Chavez and Girish J. Kotwal

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