Urologie médicale et chirurgicale

Urologie médicale et chirurgicale
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ISSN: 2168-9857

Volume 12, Problème 4 (2023)

Article d'opinion

Cystectomy Chronicles: Indications, Complications, and Lifestyle Impact

Muttakin Rahman

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Article d'opinion

Cystectomy Chronicles: Indications, Complications, and Lifestyle Impact

Muttakin Rahman

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Article d'opinion

Cystectomy Chronicles: Indications, Complications, and Lifestyle Impact

Muttakin Rahman

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Article d'opinion

Urothelial Carcinoma: Diagnosis and its Prevention Strategies

Bueno Roweton

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Article d'opinion

Urothelial Carcinoma: Diagnosis and its Prevention Strategies

Bueno Roweton

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Article d'opinion

Urothelial Carcinoma: Diagnosis and its Prevention Strategies

Bueno Roweton

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Modifications and Therapeutic Approaches for Overactive Bladder Management

Siegmeth William

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Modifications and Therapeutic Approaches for Overactive Bladder Management

Siegmeth William

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Modifications and Therapeutic Approaches for Overactive Bladder Management

Siegmeth William

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Enterocele: A Lesser-Known Pelvic Floor Disorder Demystified

AR Zwaans Willem

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Enterocele: A Lesser-Known Pelvic Floor Disorder Demystified

AR Zwaans Willem

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Article d'opinion

Cystectomy Chronicles: Indications, Complications, and Lifestyle Impact

Muttakin Rahman

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Enterocele: A Lesser-Known Pelvic Floor Disorder Demystified

AR Zwaans Willem

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Article d'opinion

The Importance and Implications of Orchiectomy for Various Medical Reasons

Zuniga Alvaro

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Article d'opinion

The Importance and Implications of Orchiectomy for Various Medical Reasons

Zuniga Alvaro

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Article d'opinion

Cystectomy Chronicles: Indications, Complications, and Lifestyle Impact

Muttakin Rahman

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Article d'opinion

Urothelial Carcinoma: Diagnosis and its Prevention Strategies

Bueno Roweton

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Article d'opinion

The Importance and Implications of Orchiectomy for Various Medical Reasons

Zuniga Alvaro

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Article d'opinion

Urothelial Carcinoma: Diagnosis and its Prevention Strategies

Bueno Roweton

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Modifications and Therapeutic Approaches for Overactive Bladder Management

Siegmeth William

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Modifications and Therapeutic Approaches for Overactive Bladder Management

Siegmeth William

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Enterocele: A Lesser-Known Pelvic Floor Disorder Demystified

AR Zwaans Willem

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Enterocele: A Lesser-Known Pelvic Floor Disorder Demystified

AR Zwaans Willem

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Article d'opinion

The Importance and Implications of Orchiectomy for Various Medical Reasons

Zuniga Alvaro

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Article d'opinion

The Importance and Implications of Orchiectomy for Various Medical Reasons

Zuniga Alvaro

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Epidemiology, Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and its Causes

Izamin Tify*

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Epidemiology, Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and its Causes

Izamin Tify*

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Epidemiology, Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and its Causes

Izamin Tify*

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Epidemiology, Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and its Causes

Izamin Tify*

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Epidemiology, Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and its Causes

Izamin Tify*

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article de recherche

Prise en charge de la scrotum aiguë chez l'enfant : expérience dans un pays en développement

Diouf Cheikh, Mbaye Oumar, Seye Cheikh, Diop Mohamed, Sangare Mory, Mbaye Cheikh Tidiane, Sarr Assane, Baro Allassane, DialloIbrahima

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article de recherche

Particularités de la prise en charge du cancer du testicule dans la région de Thiès au Sénégal

Saint Charles Nabab Kouka, Linda Bentefouet, Mark Thaim, Modou Faye, Mbayang Diop, Mohamed Cisse, Mohamed Jalloh, Aissatou Diame, Yoro Diallo, Cheickna Sylla

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