Journal des soins de santé des femmes

Journal des soins de santé des femmes
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ISSN: 2167-0420

Volume 4, Problème 5 (2015)

article de recherche

Prevalence of Osteoporosis in Female Population in Rural Central India [By Calcaneal Ultrasound]

Sunil Nikose, Pradeep Singh, Sohael Khan, Mridul Arora, Shounak Taywade, Mahendra Gudhe and Swapnil Gadge

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article de recherche

Adult Obesity in the US: Obesity Problems Affecting the African American Community

Arthur Horton

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article de recherche

Utilization of the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool in the Identification and Screening of Women at Increased Risk of Breast Cancer

Lynn Messersmith, Jonas Singer and Gemma Ciesemier

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article de recherche

The Human Spine is like a Precious Strand of Pearls

Ahimsa Porter Sumchai

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Article de révision

A Safe Wide Spectrum Polyherbal Microbicide and Three Meritorious Strains of Probiotics for Regressing Infections and Restoration of Vaginal Health (Regression of Vaginosis with BASANT and Probiotics)

Talwar GP, Kavita Garg, Nishu Atrey, Priyanka Singh, Jyoti Gaur, Jagdish C Gupta, Alka Kriplani, Rohini Sehgal, Indrani Ganguly and Soni Sinha

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article de recherche

The Perspective of Women Regarding Induced Abortion in an Islamic Country (Turkey): A Descriptive Study

Zeynep Baykan, Fevziye Çetinkaya, Melis Naçar and Serpil Poyrazoğlu

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article de recherche

It is our Culture and the Transition to Parenthood in Jordan: A Descriptive Qualitative Study

Lina Mrayan and Flora Cornish

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article de recherche

Prevalence of Failed Induction of Labor and Associated Factors Among Women Delivered in Hawassa Public Health Facilities, Ethiopia, 2015

Bekana Fekecha Hurissa, Mathewos Geta and Tefera Belachew

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article de recherche

Palliative Colostomy for End-Stage Gynecologic Cancer

Shunichiro Ota, Hiroki Ishibashi, Masayo Fukuda, Mariko Tou, Yusuke Kurokawa, Shigeru Inoue, Akitaka Kuramoto, Junji Ishimatsu and Kimio Ushijima

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Communication courtoise

Adolescent Intrauterine Contraception: IUD Size and Comfort during Insertion are Essential (IUD use in adolescents)

Dirk Wildemeersch, Norman D Goldstuck and Dirk Janssens

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