Journal des troubles du sommeil et de la thérapie

Journal des troubles du sommeil et de la thérapie
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ISSN: 2167-0277

Volume 2, Problème 4 (2013)

article de recherche

Sleep Duration, Insomnia Symptoms, and Emotion Regulation among Black Women

Christie Racine, Kaushal Kalra, Mirnova Ceide, Natasha J. Williams, Ferdinand Zizi, Mauro V Mendlowicz and Girardin Jean-Louis

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article de recherche

Dream Content Alalysis at the Initiation of CPAP for Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Sinziana Lovin, Carmen Rusu, Mihai Mutica, Anamaria Necula and Costinela Georgescu

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article de recherche

Later Bedtime is Associated with Greater Daily Energy Intake and Screen Time in Obese Adolescents Independent of Sleep Duration

Kristi B Adamo, Shanna Wilson, Kevin Belanger and Jean-Philippe Chaput

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