Journal de recherche et développement

Journal de recherche et développement
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ISSN: 2311-3278

Volume 11, Problème 4 (2023)

article de recherche

The Impact of Micro Finance Funding on the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Abdulsalam Kamara

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article de recherche

The Impact of Micro Finance Funding on the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Abdulsalam Kamara

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article de recherche

The Impact of Micro Finance Funding on the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Abdulsalam Kamara

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article de recherche

The Impact of Micro Finance Funding on the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Abdulsalam Kamara

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article de recherche

The Impact of Micro Finance Funding on the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Abdulsalam Kamara

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article de recherche

Research on Calibration of Moisture Diffusion Coefficient for Wood Drying Based on Drying Simulation

Jibing Qiaoa*, Zhaoxin Meng

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article de recherche

Research on Calibration of Moisture Diffusion Coefficient for Wood Drying Based on Drying Simulation

Jibing Qiaoa*, Zhaoxin Meng

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article de recherche

Research on Calibration of Moisture Diffusion Coefficient for Wood Drying Based on Drying Simulation

Jibing Qiaoa*, Zhaoxin Meng

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article de recherche

Relation between the Geometric Shape of the Earth and the Number of Days of the Lunar Year

Chebbi Marouen 1*, Mathlouthi Ahmed 2

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article de recherche

Relation between the Geometric Shape of the Earth and the Number of Days of the Lunar Year

Chebbi Marouen 1*, Mathlouthi Ahmed 2

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article de recherche

Research on Calibration of Moisture Diffusion Coefficient for Wood Drying Based on Drying Simulation

Jibing Qiaoa*, Zhaoxin Meng

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article de recherche

Research on Calibration of Moisture Diffusion Coefficient for Wood Drying Based on Drying Simulation

Jibing Qiaoa*, Zhaoxin Meng

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article de recherche

Relation between the Geometric Shape of the Earth and the Number of Days of the Lunar Year

Chebbi Marouen 1*, Mathlouthi Ahmed 2

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article de recherche

Relation between the Geometric Shape of the Earth and the Number of Days of the Lunar Year

Chebbi Marouen 1*, Mathlouthi Ahmed 2

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article de recherche

Relation between the Geometric Shape of the Earth and the Number of Days of the Lunar Year

Chebbi Marouen 1*, Mathlouthi Ahmed 2

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Communication courtoise

Emotions as Challenge to the Teaching of Technology

Christoph Wulf*

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Communication courtoise

Emotions as Challenge to the Teaching of Technology

Christoph Wulf*

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Communication courtoise

Human Systems Integration Epistemology

Guy Andre Boy

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Communication courtoise

Emotions as Challenge to the Teaching of Technology

Christoph Wulf*

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Communication courtoise

Human Systems Integration Epistemology

Guy Andre Boy

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Communication courtoise

Human Systems Integration Epistemology

Guy Andre Boy

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Communication courtoise

Emotions as Challenge to the Teaching of Technology

Christoph Wulf*

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Communication courtoise

Human Systems Integration Epistemology

Guy Andre Boy

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Communication courtoise

Emotions as Challenge to the Teaching of Technology

Christoph Wulf*

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Communication courtoise

Human Systems Integration Epistemology

Guy Andre Boy

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Digital Marketing: Harnessing the Power of the Digital Age

Leonore Schulze*

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Digital Marketing: Harnessing the Power of the Digital Age

Leonore Schulze*

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Digital Marketing: Harnessing the Power of the Digital Age

Leonore Schulze*

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Digital Marketing: Harnessing the Power of the Digital Age

Leonore Schulze*

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Digital Marketing: Harnessing the Power of the Digital Age

Leonore Schulze*

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Mini article de revue

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Andrea Bonaccorsi

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Mini article de revue

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Andrea Bonaccorsi

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Mini article de revue

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Andrea Bonaccorsi

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