Journal de médecine périopératoire

Journal de médecine périopératoire
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ISSN: 2684-1290

Volume 6, Problème 4 (2023)


Etomidate Mechanism of Action, Clinical Uses and Side Effects

Rachel Tyndale

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A Short Note on Methohexital and its Clinical Application

Ting Chen

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Barbiturates and Their Uses, Risk Factors and Side Effects

Esra Turunc

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The Impact of Sevoflurane Anesthesia during Surgeries

Dong Wang

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The Evolution and Importance of Dental Anesthesia

Edwin Albrecht

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Article d'opinion

The Role of Spinal Anesthesia in Surgical Procedures

Beata Rybojad

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Communication courtoise

Benefits and Applications of Nerve Blocks

Elizabeth Lange

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Communication courtoise

Importance of Anesthesia: Types and Mechanism of Action

Jerry Jones

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