Journal de biochimie et de physiologie végétales

Journal de biochimie et de physiologie végétales
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ISSN: 2329-9029

Volume 5, Problème 2 (2017)

article de recherche

Effect of Endophyte Association with Brachiaria Species on Shoot and Root Morpho-physiological Responses under Drought Stress

Kennedy Odokonyero1,2*, Tina Botwright Acuña1, Juan Andrés Cardoso2, Juan de la Cruz Jimenéz2,3 and Idupulapati Madhusudana Rao2

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article de recherche

Covalent and Non-Covalent Associations Mediate MED28 Homo- Oligomerization

Jehad Shaikhali1*, Nicolas Rouhier2, Arnaud Hecker2, Kristoffer Brännström3 and Gunnar Wingsle1

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article de recherche

High Throughput Sequencing Advances and Future Challenges

Tariq Pervaiz1,2, Abolfazl Lotfi1, Muhammad Salman Haider1, Jia Haifang1 and Jinggui Fang1*

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Article de révision

Naturally Occurring Anthocyanin, Structure, Functions and Biosynthetic Pathway in Fruit Plants

Tariq Pervaiz1,2, Jiu Songtao1, Faezeh Faghihi3, Muhammad Salman Haider1 and Jinggui Fang1*

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article de recherche

Preliminary Phytochemical Screening of Methanol Extract of Indigotera trita Linn

Ramamurthy V and Sathiyadevi M

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