Journal de protéomique et bioinformatique

Journal de protéomique et bioinformatique
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ISSN: 0974-276X

Volume 6, Problème 8 (2013)

article de recherche

GenoCMS- The Content Management System for Genes and Proteins

Ekaterina V Poverennaya, Nadezhda A Bogolubova, Elena A Ponomarenko, Andrey V Lisitsa and Alexander I Archakov

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article de recherche

Meta-analysis of Protein Structural Alignment

Jim Havrilla and Ahmet Saçan

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article de recherche

Impact of the Selection Mechanism in the Identification and Validation of New "Omic" Biomarkers

Caroline Truntzer, Delphine Maucort-Boulch and Pascal Roy

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article de recherche

Discovery of Novel Proteins form Injured Rat Pancreatic Extract using MALDI-TOF/MS-based Proteomics

Hongbin Xie, Hui Zhang, Hui Qi, Yunshuai Wang, Chun-Yan Deng and Fu-Rong Li

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