Journal de protéomique et bioinformatique

Journal de protéomique et bioinformatique
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ISSN: 0974-276X

Volume 6, Problème 1 (2013)

article de recherche

Peptides Binding Cocaine: A Strategy to Design Biomimetic Receptors

German Perez, Marcello Mascini, Manuel Sergi, Michele Del Carlo, Roberta Curini, Luis Alberto Montero-Cabrera and Dario Compagnone

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article de recherche

Buffer Optimization for Cynodon dactylon Proteome

Muhammad Tahir and Samina Noor Shakeel

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article de recherche

Rising Antimicrobial Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Clinical Specimens in India

Manu Chaudhary and Anurag Payasi

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article de recherche

Identification of Milk Protein Polymorphism in Indian Goats by 2D Gel Electrophoresis

Ajay Kumar, P.K. Rout and B.P. Mohanty

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