Journal de géologie et géophysique

Journal de géologie et géophysique
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ISSN: 2381-8719

Volume 5, Problème 1 (2016)

article de recherche

Analysis of Soil and Sub-Soil Properties around Veritas University, Obehie, Southeastern Nigeria

Youdeowei PO and Nwankwoala HO

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article de recherche

Isolated Paleomagnetic Component and its Dating from the Malha Formation, Southwestern Sinai, Egypt

Khashaba A, Soliman SA, Takla EM, Farouk S and Mostafa R

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article de recherche

Longitudinal Dependence and Seasonal Effect on Equatorial Electrojet Using MAGDAS Data

Ibrahim Khashaba A and Essam Ghamry

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article de recherche

Estimating Properties of Unconsolidated Petroleum Reservoirs using Image Analysis

Bell JD and Eruteya OE

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