Journal du génie chimique et de la technologie des procédés

Journal du génie chimique et de la technologie des procédés
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ISSN: 2157-7048

Volume 12, Problème 8 (2021)

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Household waste management practices and food handling: The effect on health in Oghara community, Delta state, Nigeria

Hope oyaisi, Momodesan T Okumagba, Oyowvi Japhet Oghenemaro, Ubogu Okiegbero Desmond, Onyejeni G Nkechi, Okupa Oyobere Oghenesiuvwe Nuvie

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Experimental characterisation of energy possession and losses of industrial gases

Ofasa Abunumah, Priscilla Ogunlude and Edward Gobina

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Determination of the effect of system temperature on the sweep quality of gases

Ofasa Abunumah, Priscilla Ogunlude and Edward Gobina

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