Journal de la recherche osseuse

Journal de la recherche osseuse
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ISSN: 2572-4916

Volume 1, Problème 2 (2013)

article de recherche

Tumor Marker Rise during Second Course of High-Dose Chemotherapy in Cancer: Outcome Analysis

Mukta Pant-Purohit, Mary J Brames, Rafat Abonour and Lawrence H Einhorn

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article de recherche

Multiple Myeloma: The Role of Angiogenesis in Disease Progression

Roberto Ria, Simona Berardi, Antonia Reale, Annunziata De Luisi, Ivana Catacchio, Vito Racanelli and Angelo Vacca

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article de recherche

Evidence of a Hematopoietic Origin of Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cells

Jack M Milwid, Matthew Li, Jungwoo Lee, Martin L Yarmush and Biju Parekkadan

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