Journal de recherche clinique et expérimentale en dermatologie

Journal de recherche clinique et expérimentale en dermatologie
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ISSN: 2155-9554


Volumetric Eyebrow Lifting with the Aid of a New Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler (Intraline) and Upper Surgical Blepharoplasty; Enhancing Outcomes

Torres S

Periocular aging is characterized for a volumetric skeletonization of the orbit, eyebrow ptosis and dystrophic changes in the eyelids skin, such as blepharochalasis, dyschromia and elastosis. Frequently only part of this elements are addressed, with incomplete resolution of the inestetisms, unnatural results and unsatisfied patients.

Private setting patients with wishes of periocular rejuvenation were given combined approach of volumetric eyebrow lifting with the aid of a new hyaluronic acid dermal filler (Intraline Canada Inc, Kelowna BC, Canada) and upper surgical blepharoplasty.

Through this combined method both volumetric changes, ptosis and blepharochalasis were corrected, and results in the short and medium term were satisfactory for both patients and surgeon. No complications were observed and the lengthening of the primary surgery was minimal in experienced hands.
