Journal d'hématologie et des maladies thromboemboliques

Journal d'hématologie et des maladies thromboemboliques
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ISSN: 2329-8790


The Health Workers Perspectives in the Management of Sickle Cell Disease in an Urban Health Centre in Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Caroline Okumdi Muoghalu and Obafemi Awolowo

Management of sickle cell disease is key to improved quality of life of people living with the disease in Nigeria. This paper examined management strategies utilized by health workers in managing sickle cell patients in Obafemi Awolowo University health centre, in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to explore health workers definition of the disease, the observed symptoms by the health workers, drugs and non-drug strategies employed by these health workers in the management of the patients and the adequacy of health facilities for managing sickle cell patients. With structured in-depth interview schedule, fifteen health workers including nurses and doctors were interviewed. It was indicated that unanimously, health workers defined the disease as an inherited blood disorder which is highly symptomatic with a lot pains all over the body especially in joints and chest and that the sufferers are often admitted in the hospital. Also, the health workers use antibiotics, folic acid, analgesics, anti-malaria drugs, intravenous fluids and blood transfusion as drug regimens for managing the sufferers. The non- drug strategies employed by the health workers were counselling, education for self-care and psychotherapy. Furthermore, the health workers indicated that inadequate health facilities hamper their capacity to deliver effective management to people living with the disease. The paper concludes that health workers employ both drug and non-drug management strategies that promise improved quality of life for sickle cell patients in Nigeria but are constrained by inadequate health facilities and consumables.

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