Journal des technologies de l'information et du génie logiciel

Journal des technologies de l'information et du génie logiciel
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ISSN: 2165- 7866


Review on IoT Based Dam Parameters Monitoring Syste

Phani Kumar N, Venkat Krishna CH and Seshu Kiran TV

Dam plays a major role in our life as they are used for purpose such as irrigation flood control and mainly generation of electricity. There are approximately 4200 major/minor dams in India. When it comes to monitoring the parameters of dam such as Water Level, Gate Position, Water Discharge and Seepage tank level the manual method fails. This project will help out to automatically measure as well as display the data parameters. The sensors connected to Raspberry pi 3 measures the parameters and shares the data through IoT to Website. The development of this project not only help to dam authority and disaster management to control the parameters as well as common people to know.
