Journal d'odontologie

Journal d'odontologie
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Potential feasibilitys stem cell transplantation and whole-tooth engineering

stem cell transplantation

aling molecules such as soluble trophic factors, which induce tissue regeneration [6–10]. In 2006, a new approach to tissue regeneration was revealed with the establishment of mouse induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells [11]. In 2007, a path toward the future introduction of stem cell-based medicine was created with the momentous establishment of human iPS cells [12, 13]. These innovative cells can be artificially induced to develop into cells required for treatment using cells from the patients themselves. The development of such cells has been eagerly awaited for many years. The time is ripe for the application of stem cells to regenerative medicine using traditional tissue engineering approaches based on a combination of biomaterials and signaling molecules. As truly defined stem cells, iPS cells have shown pluripotency with several characteristics related to self-renewal and differentiation potentials, similar to natural pluripotent embryonic stem (ES) cells [14] derived from fertilized ova, which had represented the key resource in regenerative medicine prior to the appearance of iPS cells. iPS cells are now expected to eliminate bioethical probPotential feasibility stem cell transplantation and whole-tooth engineering Sara Pourshahidi Tehran university of medical sciences, Iran lems facing conventional ES cell research and become beneficial for regenerative therapies using stem cells.
