ISSN: 2167-0412
Inyama CN, Mbagwu FN et Duru CM
Morphological studies of Chrysophyllum albidum, C. cainito and C. subnudum were investigated to confirm their inter-specific relationship. Results show that they are trees; the barks of C. albidum and C. subnudum are pale-grayish brown while that of C. cainito is scaly and brown. Leaves are elliptic in C. albidum; elliptic to obovate in C. cainito and lanceolate in C. subnudum. Sepal colour for C. albidum is greenish-yellow, C. cainito is purplishwhite, while C. subnudum is white. Fruits are berries. Fruit colour varies per species when ripe, for C. albidum, it is yellow; for C. cainito, purple-pink and for C. subnudum dark green. Morphology of the three Chrysophyllum species investigated matched with that already described by some authors and showed intraspecific relationship among them.