Biologie cellulaire et du développement

Biologie cellulaire et du développement
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ISSN: 2168-9296


Moderator Bands (Trabecula septomarginalis) of Mature Buffalo (Bos bubalis L.) with Special Emphasis on the Structure and Distribution of the Purkinje Cardiomyocytes: Histological and Histochemical

Wael AM Ghonimi

Ten hearts of mature healthy Buffalo (Bos bubalis L.) were employed to investigate the histological and histochemical structures of the moderator bands. Hearts were gently dissected and the moderator bands were collected. The specimens were processed histologically and subjected to different stains. Grossly, the moderator band (Septomarginal trabeculae) was a single muscular band that was found only in the right ventricle of the buffalo heart. It extended from the interventricular septum to the free ventricular wall especially at the base of the papillary muscle, crossing and passing through the ventricular cavity. Histologically, the moderator band was invested in a dense capsule of connective tissue, endocardium that is mainly consisting of three layers; the endothelial layer of simple squamous epithelium, subendothelial layer of loose connective tissue and the subendocardial layer that connects the endocardium with myocardium. Internally, about 4/5 of the core, myocardium is of the cardiac muscle fibers that arranged in bundles of one direction while only about 1/5 is lodged by purkinje cardiomyocytes that were arranged in bundles distributing mainly in two areas within the moderator band; the subendocardial layer beneath the subendothelial connective tissue and myocardium in between the cardiac myocytes bundles. Centrally, a medium-sized artery of thick wall and a very distinct internal elastic lamina was observed running at the center of the band myocardium and is surrounded with the cardiac myocytes bundles.

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