ISSN: 2161-0401
Achraf Marzouk El Tantawi*
Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-α) subunits deficiency or the involvement in will lead to Sickle Cell Disease
(SCD) which marked by a phenotypic variability and inflammation plays the major role in SCD pathophysiology,
which linked strongly to RORA1 genes expression and functions, and also linked to TNF-α subunits expressions
and. Activities, where TNF-α subunits are so essential for anti-inflammation processes and linked to ROR-α
genes activities and functions, and necessary for regulation of bone homeostasis in several chronic immune and
inflammatory joints and tissues diseases.
The inhibition of TNFα due to inhibition or variations in ROR-alpha genes lead d to significant inflammations
improvements involved in SCD pathophysiology , and also will lead to increasing in Nuclear Factor-κB pathways
(NFκB) catabolic pathways and any remaining of TNF-α will be involved in the NF-κB signaling pathway due to
inhibition in their mitochondrial activities.
The inhibition or deficiency in presence of Thymine in the Related Orphan Receptor-A (RORA) genes can reflect
deficiency in mitochondrial synthetase enzyme (where mitochondrial OPA1 gene depending on ribosomal genes
- ctions in TNF -α, TXA2, and in VEGF-A subunits.
RORA genes necessary for lipid metabolism where is controlled by mitochondrial phospholipase enzymes
productions, similarly, -αGenes is necessary for promotion and regulations of hepatic glucose metabolism and is
necessary for hepatic activities and for sestrin-Leu carrier synthesis and activities during hepatic metabolic activities.
-α genes are having so necessary functions of preventing G-protein aggregates associated with
neuropathies, and preventing blood platelets aggregations depending on mitochondrial activities through producing
its active inflammatory enzymes for acting on any toxic inflammation or on any aggregation for producing the active
TXA2 subunits which through feedback will reforme VEGF-A alpha subunits where can be stored in or as lysosomal
secretory granules.