Journal des technologies de l'information et du génie logiciel

Journal des technologies de l'information et du génie logiciel
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ISSN: 2165- 7866


In-Class Use of Portable Electronic Devices (Peds)-Faculty and Student Perspectives

Adeel Khalid1, Craig Chin and Bernice Nuhfer-Halten

Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs) such as laptops, smart phones, tablets etc. have become an integral part of almost every higher education student’s learning toolbox. In this study, the faculty and student perspectives on the effectiveness of the use of PEDs during classes are collected and compared using surveys done at Southern Polytechnic State University. Faculty openness and reservations, policies, student temptations and complaints are discussed. While the PEDs can be a source of distraction, they, if used carefully, can also provide an opportunity for engaging students.
