Revue des sciences politiques et des affaires publiques

Revue des sciences politiques et des affaires publiques
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ISSN: 2332-0761


Améliorer l'éthique du travail pour la performance organisationnelle dans les autorités locales du Zimbabwe

Tapiwa Mupandanyama

When employees become dissatisfied at an organization, they may develop unethical behaviors like absenteeism, misuse of company resources, unprofessionalism, moonlighting, theft and accepting bribes that impede service delivery and organizational performance. The main thrust of the research was improving work ethics for organizational performance in Zimbabwe local authorities. The paper found that work ethics is the accepted principles of right or wrong that govern the conduct of a person, the members of a profession, or actions of an organization. Work ethics include professionalism, team work, honesty as well as social responsibility. The paper revealed positive effects of improving work ethics on organizational performance which include among others enhances employee morale, motivation and commitment as employees are happy to secure jobs as well as seeing the fruits of ethical behaviors.

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