Annales et Essences de la Dentisterie

Annales et Essences de la Dentisterie
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ISSN: 0975-8798, 0976-156X


Euro Dentistry & Dental Science 2019: Psychology and coaching in dentistry: Stress: Helga Mediavilla Ibanez- Psicodent

Helga Mediavilla Ibanez

Dentistry is a profession subject to many stressful factors. Ever since the economic recession, the stress factors have been growing. As such, it has subsequently become necessary for dentist practices to differentiate, improve the quality of care, apply sales techniques, and carry out marketing, publicity and management activities that were previously not necessary. My husband and I founded PSICODENT 25 years ago with the goal of helping dental professionals manage these potentially stressful factors. In short, we wanted to help dental professionals enjoy this beautiful and rewarding profession. Dentistry is a profession filled with relationships. In other words, it is made up of continuous interactions with people whether they are patients, colleagues, employees, bosses, suppliers, etc. Such a profession is beautiful and simultaneously exhausting if you lack social skills. Burnout is a result of the stress caused by relationships.

We have the power to make one another happy, but we can also hurt each other a lot. If we truly want to enjoy working in dentistry, it is paramount that we have, among other resources, strong interpersonal relationship skills. Such skills can be taught by the field of psychology. My mission is to convince you of the importance of acquiring specific skills in so much that each and every dental professional can learn from psychological coaching, consulting, mentoring, courses and management in dentistry. As a dentist, you often have to be a teacher, economist, psychologist, marketer, leader, motivator, etc. In short, you are so much more than a dentist; more often than not you have to be business-minded as well. This is something which is not taught at university. We take care of teaching you the essential tools to manage the day-to-day tasks at your clinic, allowing you to reap the personal and financial benefits.

My slogan idea: “Our goal is to help you thrive and enjoy being a dentist”. The hypothesis of this study in alternative format (H1) is: there is no association between life coaching and psychological distress (depression, anxiety, stress, resilience, autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relations with others, purpose in life, and self-acceptance) and goal approach lecture was given by an expert coach with more than 10 years of experience in life coaching, coaching, and self-development training field. Cross-sectional, questionnaire-based study was conducted among clinical dental students and faculty of an Indian dental college in November 2014. The questionnaire consisted of depression anxiety stress scales-21. He also has a PhD degree with a thesis in self-development coaching, and professional certificate in training and assessment. Perceived sources of stress were evaluated using the Dental Environment Stress questionnaire. In the study, 520 students completed the questionnaires, for a response rate of 74 percent. These students showed a high level of psychological stress 73 percent scored more than 3 on the GHQ-12 vs. 63 percent for men, which was statistically significant at p=0.05.

The top perceived sources of stress from the year 2000 were mostly unaltered in our study, Dentistry was never on my radar," says psychologist Dolores Canella, PhD, associate dean for education at New York's Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine. "But there's so many psychologists can do in dentistry. Dentistry is about interacting; it's about human behavior each participant was given the choice to participate in the SG or CG. All students in both groups were required to sign the consent form and answer the T1 questionnaire. Participants were free to withdraw from the study at any time with no consequences, which was explained on the study consent form. participants in SG were coached by five senior dental students who had received intensive coaching training for one month by the expert coach, and then which is based mainly on asking consecutive questions to help the participant reach their desired outcomes each one of them practiced to do life coaching for 15 sessions under the supervision and feedback of the expert coach.

The coaching was not mutual, and coaching sessions were focused only on coaches. A dental student has been reported in several systematic reviews that showed the prevalence of distress varied from one country to another and for different psychological constructs. For example, the prevalence of depression ranged from Life coach has several definitions and one of the well cited article defined life coaching as “a collaborative solution focused result-orientated and systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of life experience and goal attainment in the personal and/or professional life of normal, nonclinical clients. However, direct evidence for a major role of P-go in pharmacokinetics has been lacking, and thus requires further standardized research in future in particular in tackling pharmaco-resistant schizophrenia.

Bearing in mind the limitations of the prior coaching intervention studies and the scarcity of studies within the dental profession, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a life coaching program on dental student’s psychological health.
