Avancées en ingénierie automobile

Avancées en ingénierie automobile
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ISSN: 2167-7670


Simulation dynamique d'un vilebrequin

Ihsan Uluocak et Hakan Yavuz

Crankshafts are one of the most important parts of a reciprocating engine. İt basically connects driveline system to the pistons which gives the motion. Main aim of Crankshaft systems designs are to have lower bearing forces, lower torsional vibrations and higher fatigue strength. But, due to complexity of the geometry, lack of manufacturing quality and nonlinear forces, it is hard to analyze the characteristics of the crankshaft. In this paper, a 2D representation of a crankshaft model was built with load information from connecting rods and other specifications. The resultant bearing forces and harmonics of the crankshafts were calculated with given data. The AVL Excite software program was used to simulate the crankshaft of an engine.Crankshafts are one of the most important parts of a reciprocating engine. İt basically connects driveline system to the pistons which gives the motion. Main aim of Crankshaft systems designs are to have lower bearing forces, lower torsional vibrations and higher fatigue strength. But, due to complexity of the geometry, lack of manufacturing quality and nonlinear forces, it is hard to analyze the characteristics of the crankshaft. In this paper, a 2D representation of a crankshaft model was built with load information from connecting rods and other specifications. The resultant bearing forces and harmonics of the crankshafts were calculated with given data. The AVL Excite software program was used to simulate the crankshaft of an engine.

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