Journal des méthodes de diagnostic médical

Journal des méthodes de diagnostic médical
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ISSN: 2168-9784


Case Study of Major Depression

Iqbal MZ, un Awan SN

This document pertains to the case study of Major Depression. The subject of the disorder was Mrs. RJ (Initial instead of real name), 43 years old housewife and mother of four children. She visited my clinic along with her husband who informed that she feels burden on shoulder and at the back of her head most of time, feel weakness, facing lack of concentration on her daily work, disturbance with loud voices of anyone specially loud voice of males, shivering of body without any reason. He also informed about her weak memory, negative dreaming which disturb her sleep, fidgety and restless most of the time, aggressive behaviour and sometime weeping and shouting without any reason. Before visiting my clinic she visited some psychiatrists for treatment because she had become very aggressive and started to throw things and whatever was in her physical approach. One of those psychiatrists recommended ECT for treatment but ECT only affected her memory badly. Assessment made after taking semi-structured interviews from Mrs. RJ and her husband. In light of assessment and DSM-IV, Mrs. RJ was diagnosed by Major Depression Disorder.
