Journal d'océanographie et de recherche marine

Journal d'océanographie et de recherche marine
Libre accès

ISSN: 2572-3103


Aquaculture 2021 - Awards

Suzanne M Dyer

The Young Researchers Forum offers young researchers the possibility to meet and discuss research topics and methodologies, share and develop ideas, learn from each other and gain knowledge from senior researchers. Young Researcher Sessions are organized at the Conference on Brain Disorders, to provide a unique platform for Young Researchers/Investigators for presenting latest research projects with an in-depth analysis. Pulsus Academies cordially invites Young Researchers from Universities/Institutes/Industries to present a short oral presentation during the forum. These oral presentations should be of 10 minutes duration in related scientific track followed by 5 minutes question hour. Therefore, presenters are encouraged to give comprehensive and dynamic talks. Applications will be selected based on past research productivity and future promise.
