select ad.sno,ad.journal,ad.title,ad.author_names,ad.abstract,ad.abstractlink,j.j_name,vi.* from articles_data ad left join journals j on j.journal=ad.journal left join vol_issues vi on vi.issue_id_en=ad.issue_id where ad.sno_en='67528' and ad.lang_id='5' and j.lang_id='5' and vi.lang_id='5'
Siladitya Mohankudo1*, Amit Kiran Rath1, Pritam Chhotray1
A 54 year old female diagnosed with sputum smear negative tuberculosis and on antitubercular therapy for one month presented with on and off fever, generalised weaknesss, cough with expectoration and itching and rashes of whole body. Patient had pallor, significant right cervical lymphadenopathy. On auscultation patient had bilateral diffuse coarse crepitation. CECT thorax was suggestive of bilateral patchy consolidation and nodular opacities with Mediastinal lymphadenopathy. There was clinic radiological detoriation. CECT abdomen suggestive of abdominal lymphadenopathy. FNAC of lymphnode was not conclusive and on lymph node biopsy followed by H&E staining and IHC revealed Angioimmunoblastic lymphoma.