Génomique et biologie fongiques

Génomique et biologie fongiques
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ISSN: 2165-8056


Action Mechanism, Benefits and Cultivation (ABC) of Cordyceps

Vijay Kumar Dalal*

Cordyceps is diverse genus of the entomopathogenic fungi that have numerous health benefits. It is grown in many parts of the Eastern Asia and its cultivation and popularity is increasing day by day. It is considered one of the three tonics in a traditional Chinese medicine treasury together with ginseng and pilose antler. Cordyceps militaris is the main species whose cultivation has been achieved on artificial media. It has many useful metabolites viz., cordycepin, polysaccharides, ergosterol, ergothioneine, trehalose and mannitol. It can be grown on specific media and the secondary metabolites content can be increased through environment and media manipulation. The standardization of laboratory cultivation has paved the way for its commercial production. However, the biggest hurdle is the strain degeneration. The strains lose their potency and the ability to produce high content of beneficial compounds when sub cultured for several generations. In this review, benefits of Cordyceps, active ingredients isolation and extraction, pathway of Cordycepin biosynthesis, information about Cordyceps related fungi and the recent advancements in the cultivation and strain degeneracy of Cordyceps are discussed.
